Top 15 Countries with Highest Percentage of Food Waste

top 15 food wasting countries
  • United Nations has issued a report stating that almost half of vegetables and fruits are being wasted in the world.
  • Climate change and urbanization are severely affecting productive soils all around the world.
  • More than 800 million people in the world are malnourished.
  • Food waste is organic waste that contributes to global warming.

Also read: Pollinator Decline of Bees – Causes, Effects and Solutions

United Nation report on food waste highlighted that almost half of all vegetables and fruits are being wasted in the world.

Climate change and urbanization are the two main factors that are adversely affecting the global production of food. These factors are leaving soils less fertile because of increasing aridity. There is a need for a sustainable food supply.

Also check out: Climate Change Is Increasing Food Shortage Around The World

More than 800 million people in the world are malnourished due to food insecurity in the countries.

Food waste is consisting of organic waste that contributes to global warming. Global warming leads to climate change and the above-mentioned cycle is continued.

15 countries in the world are highly contributing to food waste per capita.  A graph is presented below.

per capita food waste by top 15 countries

[Data Source]

The percentage of wasted food is calculated by comparing the top 15 countries and the graph is presented below.

food wasted in percentage by 15 countries

The largest source of food waste is residential places. The food waste is generated in the world should be reduced in order to avoid increasing food insecurity in the world. The overall findings can be concluded as:

  • It is estimated that nearly 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted annually; it counts for one-third of the food that is being generated all around the world.
  • Developing countries are responsible for approximately US$ 310 billion wasted food while developed countries account for US$ 680 billion. The amount of food being dissipated by the underdeveloped and developed countries is up to 630 and 670 million tonnes.
  • The major portion of wasted food includes fruits, vegetables, tubers, and roots.

Also read: 10 Favourite Food Items At Risk of Extinction In Near Future



Cereals 30
Vegetables and Fruits 40-50
Fish, Meat, and Dairy 30
Oilseeds 20

[Data Source]

food portion waste

  • The food wasted by wealthy countries is 222 million tonnes per year which is more than 230 million tonnes- net food produced in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Food waste per capita by regions is as follows:
Regions Kilogram
Europe and North America 95-115
Sub-Saharan Africa, South, and Southeastern Asia 6-11

[Data Source]

  • The gross food production per capita in wealthy countries is 900kg while in underdeveloped countries it is 460kg.
  • Post-harvest and processing levels in underdeveloped countries account for 40% of food losses and approximately the same percentage is wasted in developed countries at market and user levels.
  • Food is wasted in developed countries due to exaggerated appearance at the market level in order to meet quality standards.
  • Food waste contributes to global warming and ultimately climate change. Natural as well as economic resources are squandered due to food waste.
  • By saving one-fourth of wasted food could have provided meals to 870 million people.

Also, check out Food Security and Climate Change in Pakistan

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