Illegal Wildlife Trade in Pakistan – Threat to Endangered Species

illegal wildlife trade is causing economic losses in Pakistan

INTRODUCTION WILDLIFE TRADE This term is defined as the trade of products that are derived from wildlife that includes body parts of animals such as meat, bones, skins, etc. Living and dead animals are also traded internationally. The traded wild plant species are then grown in a controlled environment. ILLEGAL WILDLIFE TRADE Illegal wildlife trade […]

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What’s Green Gentrification? Its Causes and Negative Impacts

green gentrification displaces minorities

INTRODUCTION Green Gentrification: It is also known as Environmental Gentrification or Ecological Gentrification. It is defined as a greening process by which the financial values of properties increase that brings attention of the rich communities to that area. While the disenfranchised and polluted properties are particularly inhabited by lower-income residents. In green gentrification, the pollution […]

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Urban Heat Islands – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

urban heat island is warmer cities and hotter climate

INTRODUCTION Urban Heat Island: It is defined as the hotter or warmer cities/urban areas as compared to nearby rural areas. Anthropogenic activities are the reason for the urban heat island effect. Industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, and land-use changes are few examples. Urban Heat Island Effect: Urban Heat Island effect is more apparent during the winter and […]

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What is Agroecology? Importance and Impact on Environment

agroecology is a sustainable farming

INTRODUCTION Agroecology is a term that can be evaluated in three different ways. It could be a scientific discipline, an agricultural practice, or a movement. Also check out: Hydroponics – The Future of Agriculture? AGROECOLOGY This term is defined as an applied science that focuses on ecological procedures related to methods of agriculture production. It […]

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Overfishing and Fish Stock Depletion – Causes, Effects, Solutions

over fishing and fish stock depletion is threatening fish diversity and population

INTRODUCTION Overfishing: This term is defined as catching or removing fish species from oceans, lakes, rivers, or any marine ecosystem at a rate that threatens the diversity of fishes. The fish species cannot replenish over a specified time span due to overfishing and the fish population ultimately decreases. Fish Stock Depletion: This is defined as […]

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Branches of Environmental Science – Interdisciplinary Field

various branches include ecology, geography, geology

INTRODUCTION Environmental Science This field of study is defined as an interdisciplinary academic field. It combines the scientific, chemical, biological and physical information of the environment and incorporates other cultural, political, and social aspects of the environment. In a nutshell, the natural process taking place on the Earth are studied while finding solutions to impacts […]

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Top 15 Countries with Worst Environmental Degradation

developing countries are mostly listed among less EPI score

Environmental Degradation It is defined as the degradation of the Earth’s environment through anthropogenic activities. Natural catastrophic events are also responsible for environmental degradation but their contribution is far less than as compared to human activities. The environment of the Earth is degraded by over-exploitation of natural reserves, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity loss, environmental issues such […]

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Oil Spills – Causes, Effects, and Solution

marine oil spills kill biodiversity

INTRODUCTION Oil Spills: The accidental leakage/release of oil into the surrounding environment is known as oil spills. It is a form of environmental pollution. The release of petroleum hydrocarbons into the environment has environmental consequences. Oil spills occur in marine ecosystems such as oceans, coastlines, estuaries, etc. However, the incidents of oil spills happen on […]

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