What is meant by Ethnobotany? To understand in simple terms, ethnobotany is a composite word- made of two different words. Those are ‘ethnic‘ and ‘botany‘. Ethnic general refers to anything considered as native or indigenous to a specific place. While, botany is simply the study of plants. Technically speaking, ethnobotany is a combination of two […]
List of Plants That Grow in Acidic, Basic and Saline Soils
What are the various Soil Types? These are the basic main types of soils. They are: Impact of Soil Type in Plants: Healthy soil is crucial for growth of all plant types and all sorts of vegetation from just home lawns and gardens to shrubs and herbs in the forest. For plant growth, soil pH, […]
How Covid-19 Crisis Impacted Environmental Sustainability?
What is meant by “Environmental Sustainability”? Environmental Sustainability basically includes all of the aspects of human lifestyle and activities that have an impact on the environment. It can be both positive or negative however, as we have experienced, and are continuing to see the effects of anthropogenic activities- most of the activities have a negative […]
Land/Soil Pollution In Pakistan- Causes, Effects and Solution
Land and Soil Pollution in Pakistan: Land/soil pollution in Pakistan is very prevalent. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has stated numerous time about the intensity and quality of land and soil in Pakistan has only continued to worsen. The Soil has a high concentration of alluvium, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and non-organic matter that cause […]
Environmental Effects of Brick Kiln Industry In Pakistan
What is meant by Bonded Labor? Bonded Labor, also known as Debt bondage is a modern day type of slavery in which individuals that have taken a debt or loan from another person- usually a landlord or someone at a position of authority are working under that said landlord to repay their debts or money […]
How Seaweed Farming Helps To Combat Climate Crisis?
What is meant by ‘Seaweed Farming’? Simply put, seaweed farming refers to the farming or growing of seaweed -or kelp as it is alternatively known as- underwater. The term refers to general flowering plants submerged in the waters usually in seas and oceans including all sorts of grasses and even marine algae. Seaweed farming can […]
Eco-friendly Tourism in Pakistan And Tourism Companies
Introduction: Tourism Agencies and businesses based in Pakistan generally offer tours to locals that flock to the Northern Regions of Pakistan in millions every year. As a result these businesses and agencies usually partner with some local restaurants and inns for profit or mutual partnership for profit by bringing an allocated number of people each […]
Water Pollution In Pakistan- Causes, Effects and Solutions
Water Pollution in Pakistan: Water pollution in Pakistan is one of the most pressing concerns and issues the country has faced since the beginning. We have no laws regulating our waters and regarding water pollution. There is a Canal and Drainage Act 1873 and the fact that it dates back to the colonial period in […]
Global Food Waste Problem- Causes, Effects and Solutions
Introduction: The disparity between one half of the world with more than enough food so much that it often goes to waste. Whereas, on the other hand one half of the world simultaneously faces a huge food and water scarcity. Global food waste generation is a problem that exists since the dawn of cultivation practices. […]
What is Rainwater Harvesting? Importance and Techniques
What is meant by harvesting rainwater? Rainwater harvesting simply entails the collection of rain water and reuse, repurpose, collect or store it rather than allowing it to run off. This helps conserve not only water by being capable of used domestically or for other process but it can also be collected to replenish and restore […]