Tea has long been an important part of many cultures worldwide. Beginning from China to Britain, it has significantly become ingrained in many aspects of life- from being used as medicine to important trading good- The popularity of tea has only increased and still continues to do so in popular culture. However, tea plantation agriculture […]
What is Siltation?- Causes, Effects and Solutions
What is meant by Siltation? Siltation is a type of water pollution. It is a primary factor in water pollution that destroys aquatic habitats and ecosystems if it gets too out of hand. Presence of silt makes the water appear brownish-red and turbid due to the presence of soil and clay particles. Siltation is a […]
What is Soil Retrogression? – Causes, Effects and Solutions
What is meant by Soil Retrogression? Soil retrogression in simple terms is related to the slow degradation of soil in which the soil reverts back to its original state after going through various cycles and stages of succession. Succession – a phenomenon in which bare soil or hard rocky earth is colonized by a pioneer […]
How to Prevent Soil Erosion? Traditional and Modern Methods
What is Soil Erosion? Among the many types of soil degradation, soil erosion is one of the most common one and is often frequently associated with many other environmentally degrading activities like deforestation, clearing of land for cultivation, flooding and excessive water runoff etc. to name a few. In short, soil erosion means that the […]
What are Soil Erosion Measurement Methods and Techniques?
Introduction: Soil erosion is the loss of topsoil due to various factors but mostly due to deforestation, lack of soil cover that results in siltation further downstream. around 75 hectares of forest area have already been deforested and as a result over one billion of soil has been lost to soil erosion. Check out: Soil […]
Impacts of Unplanned Development on Northern Areas of Pakistan
Introduction Whenever we think about tourism with respect to our environment the first concept that comes to our mind is the ecotourism. Ecotourism is a type of tourism that involves efficient use of environment through eco-friendly transport conserving the environment and educating the tourists to help in raising funds for environmental conservation and support to […]
Effects of Climate Change on AJK of Pakistan
Introduction Pakistan is one of the top ten most vulnerable countries to the disastrous impacts of Climate change. Climate change is a huge problem being faced by our country and no solution is in sight. For more info about Climate Change, check out: Climate change and its Causes and Effects and for more info about […]
Effects of Climate Change on Balochistan Province of Pakistan
Introduction Balochistan province of Pakistan is already facing many environmental issues and on top of everything Climate change is added further pressures on already stressed environmental conditions. Climate change is a huge issue in Pakistan, so kindly read Climate change and its Causes and Effects and for further info regarding effects of Climate change on […]
Soil Erosion and Degradation – Causes, Effects, and Solutions
INTRODUCTION Soil Erosion: It is defined as the removal of topsoil cover that has organic matter or nutrients essential for plant growth. Soil erosion leads to soil degradation. Water and Wind are two key sources of soil erosion. Soil Degradation: It is defined as less fertile land that has been subjected to poor handling, or […]
Overgrazing – Causes, Effects, and Solutions
INTRODUCTION Grazing: It is a practice common in animal husbandry. The animals are taken to open rangelands, pastures, and grassland where they consume wild plants. The growing herbage is used for feeding livestock. Overgrazing: It is defined as the practice of grazing for an extremely long period of time. The extensive grazing doesn’t let plant […]