15 Environmental Problems Our World is Facing Right now

air pollution, water pollution global warming urbanization

Introduction Environmental Issues: Environmental issue or problem is defined as adverse impacts of anthropogenic activities on the physical and biological aspects of the environment. Natural Environment: Natural environment is our surroundings that consist of naturally occurring all living and nonliving things. Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities on the Ecosystem: Human activities are negatively affecting the environment […]

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E-Waste and Its Impact on the Environment

e-waste accumulation cause environmental effects

Introduction E-waste is the term given to waste that is generated from electronics. It is the discarded waste of used digital devices or electrical items that can no longer serve technical functions. The current era is revolving around information technology-based systems and items. It’s almost impossible to go out anywhere without a cell phone. Currently, […]

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Top Companies Contributing to World’s Third Carbon Emission

saudi aramco, exxonmobil, top contributors to world's carbon emission into the air

A famous news source disclosed the top companies contributing to almost one-third of emitting greenhouse gases in the air. The researcher mentioned the heavy consumption of fossil fuels increasing the emission of greenhouse gases. The companies responsible for emissions are owned by national as well as private shareholders. The consequences of climate change are severe […]

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Water Crisis in Pakistan- Current and Future

Water supply shortage in Pakistan and the consequences

Introduction Currently, Pakistan is known as the water-stressed country that would soon take the title of the water-scarce country in the near future unless strong water conservation strategies and management plans are implemented. In 2018, it was stated in an international report that, by 2025 Pakistan would become a water-scarce country due to depleted water […]

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The Problems of Increasing Noise Pollution in Pakistan

hearing impairment due to noise pollution

Noise Pollution In Pakistan Noise pollution is one kind of environmental pollution and it is categorized as the most disturbing problem with significant negative effects. Any unwanted, undesired, or unpleasant, loud sound can be called noise if one remains exposed to it for a longer period of time. In accordance with the world health organization, […]

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