Plastic Crisis: An Emerging Threat to Mountain Ecosystem

Not just in Pakistan, but everywhere in the world, plastic pollution has grown to be a terrible issue. The increased usage of plastic has exacerbated existing environmental issues and has a catastrophic impact on both marine and terrestrial species. Due to its widespread production and distinctive qualities, plastic’s use significantly rose after 1965, becoming a […]

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Environmental Impact of Heavy Metal Pollution in Pakistan

heavy metal pollution in Pakistan is causing groundwater pollution

INTRODUCTION Heavy metals are trace elements that are naturally present in the Earth’s crust. Exposure to heavy metals is lethal depends on the concentration level of these pollutants. These high-density elements are toxic in nature and can lead to cancer in humans. They are persistent and are not degraded or decayed in the environment that […]

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Why Ecocide Should Be Made an International Crime?

Ecocide should be legitimized as international crime

INTRODUCTION Ecocide and genocide are rhyming words. Isn’t it? The difference is genocide is a massive killing of people and considered an international crime while ecocide is massive destruction of the Earth’s ecosystem and it has not evaluated as an international crime yet. Also read: Third Pole Is Melting – Himalaya-HinduKush-Karakoram Glacier ECOCIDE Ecocide is […]

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Makeup Industry and Its Negative Impacts on the Environment

cosmetic industry is causing air water and land pollution

INTRODUCTION The makeup industry is a huge business that makes billions of dollars annually and the news experts say this business will keep on rising. MAKEUP INDUSTRY The makeup industry is also highlighted as the cosmetic industry. It includes all products related to cosmetics. The makeup industry is defined as an industry that makes cosmetic […]

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10 Environmental Pollution Quotes Wallpaper Pictures


Environmental degradation due to Air pollution, Water pollution, Land pollution and even Noise pollution is a huge issue and we can’t spread enough awareness about it. Many people still don’t realise the severity of harmful affects of inhaling polluted air or drinking polluted water. It is a fact that air pollutants and water pollutants are […]

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Top 15 Countries with Worst Environmental Degradation

developing countries are mostly listed among less EPI score

Environmental Degradation It is defined as the degradation of the Earth’s environment through anthropogenic activities. Natural catastrophic events are also responsible for environmental degradation but their contribution is far less than as compared to human activities. The environment of the Earth is degraded by over-exploitation of natural reserves, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity loss, environmental issues such […]

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Can Rivers & Lakes be Saved from Environmental Degradation?

fish species are going extinct due to degradation of rivers and lakes

Environmental issues are degrading the freshwater ecosystem and fish species have become extinct Protected areas don’t protect rivers. Rivers should be protected first than land areas. The freshwater ecosystem provides habitat to 10% of all fish species including vertebrates. Millions of people have their livelihood associated with freshwater fish species that are vulnerable to extinction […]

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Marine Pollution – Its Risky Effects on Marine Life & Humans

marine pollution and its dangerous effects on human and marine life

Introduction Marine: This term includes anything related to sea or ocean. Marine Water: Marine water is salty water consisting of 97% of Earth’s water. Marine Pollution Marine pollution is defined as land pollutants being washed into the ocean. Land pollutants include the varied composition of trash, garbage, and chemicals being released into the ocean by […]

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