18 Assignments Articles On Types Of Environment Pollution


Pollution! It’s a word we hear constantly, but do we truly understand its multifaceted nature?  From the air we breathe to the water we drink, pollution takes many forms, each with its own unique sources, impacts, and potential solutions. Our planet is facing a growing crisis, It’s not just a distant threat; it’s a reality […]

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Increasing Pollution in Hunza –Causes, Impacts And Solutions

Hunza Valley - Gilgit Baltistan - Pakistan

Hunza Valley, a picturesque region surrounded by the Karakoram mountain range of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, is famous for its breathtaking and unparalleled beautiful landscapes, unique culture, and sustainable practices. However, with the passage of time, Hunza valley is facing many different challenges, and one of them is increasing pollution, due to  tourism influx, new developmental projects, […]

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How Covid-19 Crisis Impacted Environmental Sustainability?

Corona Virus - Covid 19

What is meant by “Environmental Sustainability”? Environmental Sustainability basically includes all of the aspects of human lifestyle and activities that have an impact on the environment. It can be both positive or negative however, as we have experienced, and are continuing to see the effects of anthropogenic activities- most of the activities have a negative […]

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