Sustainable Green Living In Pakistan – Combat Climate Change


It is of no surprise to assert that Pakistan, one of the global South countries, is extremely vulnerable to the negative repercussions of climate change. This has been evident over the years with natural disasters afflicting extreme damage to the lives of people, property, and the overall economy of Pakistan. Most importantly, the floods of […]

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The Drastic Need of Environmental Change in Pakistan


As a developing state, Pakistan is brawling with a range of environmental issues. From water scarcity and air pollution to soil erosion and deforestation, Pakistan is facing a dire need for environmental change. The ongoing situation of Pakistan’s environment demands immediate action and is deeply concerning. The country’s development and economic growth is inevitably associated […]

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Impact Of Agricultural Practices On Butterfly Populations In Pakistan


Butterflies are attractive insects that play an important role in pollinating plants and preserving environmental equilibrium. In Pakistan, butterflies are essential not just for their ecological value, but also for their cultural value, as they are employed in traditional art and crafts. However, the butterfly population in Pakistan is fast dropping due to a variety […]

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Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources of Pakistan

Introduction: Climate Change and Water Resources – Why has water become so scarce in Pakistan and the reason behind it Although water scarcity is a global issue, this is particularly an alarming concern in countries where population growth is rapidly increasing. Pakistan is also a highly water stressed country because of this reason. Karachi in […]

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