Climate Change and Its Impact on Pakistan

climate change adversely impacting Pakistan

Geography of Pakistan Pakistan is located in South East Asia that covers 880,000 square kilometers of land area. The neighboring countries include China, India, Iran, and Afghanistan. The coastal areas of Pakistan are linked with the Arabian Sea. According to topography, the country has alpine regions, permafrost, temperate, tropical, and subtropical ecosystems. Climate of Pakistan […]

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Spring Tree Plantation Campaign 2021 begins in Islamabad.

Spring Tree Plantation Campaign 2021 begins in Islamabad.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan inaugurated the Pakistan Spring Tree Plantation Campaign 2021 on February, 17th 2021 in Islamabad where the creation of Islamabad’s first forest using the Miyawaki Urban Forestry Technique was initiated in Lotus Park, Shakarparian. It was announced that 20 more sites in Islamabad have been selected for plantation using the same […]

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Waste to Energy Plants Can Curb Pakistan’s Electricity Crisis

renewable energy source by waste to energy technique

Introduction Due to urban sprawl and increasing population, municipal solid waste is being produced in high quantity each day. This issue of waste requires proper handling and supervision. The accumulated waste often results in the outbreak of diseases. There are various municipal solid waste-related treatment methods; however, the specific ways that do not cause threats […]

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