The tourism industry of Pakistan has seen a recent boost the citizens of Pakistan cannot be happier about this. Our country is beautiful, there is no doubt about it, and there are enough beautiful vistas in Pakistan to be the tourism hub of the world – from mind-blowingly humongous mountain ranges in the Northern regions […]
Solar Power in Pakistan – Advantages and Disadvantages
Introduction Solar Power: Solar power is defined as the conversion of heat into energy. The heat is the radiation coming from the sun. For many years solar energy has been utilized by communities especially for drying, heating, etc. Currently, solar power is being used by solar panels that provide electricity. Solar panels are useful for […]
WtE business – Why Pakistani Government should support it?
Introduction WtE: Waste to Energy – a way of recovering energy Waste to Energy Technique: Waste to energy term is also known as energy from waste. It is the technique of producing energy from the initial treatment of trash. Waste to Energy Forms: The energy is produced in the form of electricity. The heat is […]
The Rise of Solar Energy in Pakistan
Introduction The need for energy is constantly increasing all around the world and the reason is developing industries and technology-based systems. The energy crisis is a common issue in Pakistan as the country doesn’t have enough energy sources to meet the demand of the increasing population. Many places in Pakistan don’t have electricity while in […]
Endangered and Critically Endangered Bird Species of Pakistan
Birds are an extremely important part of any healthy ecosystem and Pakistan is lucky to have a huge diversity of native as well as migratory birds. Pakistan is a country rich in flora and fauna, as well as natural topography and weather which is suitable for native and migratory birds alike. No season of Pakistan […]
Balochistan Could Suffer Aridity Due to Insufficient Dams
Introduction Pakistan has four provinces and Baluchistan is one of them. It is the least populated but largest province by area. Quetta is the provincial capital. Geographically Baluchistan is connected with the Arabian Sea. Baluchistan has Makran coast and mud volcanoes are active in the region. Baluchistan is experiencing extreme weather events like never before. […]
Endangered and Critically Endangered Animals of Pakistan
Continuing with our list of endangered animals found in Pakistan here is another post highlighting the endangered and critically endangered animals of Pakistan. Pakistan is home to a plethora of different plant and animal species, however many of those plants and animals are endangered or even critically endangered and at a risk of extinction from […]
Medical waste in Pakistan and Its Management
Introduction Medical waste is also known as biomedical waste or hospital waste. This type of waste consists of infectious and non-infectious material and it is either solid waste or liquid waste. Medical waste is different from general household waste unless it contains human blood, infected syringes, contaminated gloves, etc. Also check out: Improper Management of […]
Food Security and Climate Change in Pakistan
Introduction Food Security According to the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security, food security is the accessibility and availability of healthy nutrient-rich food to all people at any time with which they can fulfill their hunger and go through their day-to-day routine. Food security is further described as the availability, access, utilization, and stability of […]
Pakistan As World Environment Day 2021 Host – Why and How?
Pakistan has been selected by the UNEP as a global host of World Environment Day 2021, it was announced earlier today by the UNEP and the Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan. But did this happen without a reasons and out of the blue? Of course not! Pakistan gave a reason to UNEP to […]