Balochistan Could Suffer Aridity Due to Insufficient Dams

Baluchistan will suffer water scarcity

Introduction Pakistan has four provinces and Baluchistan is one of them. It is the least populated but largest province by area. Quetta is the provincial capital. Geographically Baluchistan is connected with the Arabian Sea. Baluchistan has Makran coast and mud volcanoes are active in the region. Baluchistan is experiencing extreme weather events like never before. […]

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Endangered and Critically Endangered Animals of Pakistan

Continuing with our list of endangered animals found in Pakistan here is another post highlighting the endangered and critically endangered animals of Pakistan. Pakistan is home to a plethora of different plant and animal species, however many of those plants and animals are endangered or even critically endangered and at a risk of extinction from […]

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Medical waste in Pakistan and Its Management

hazardous, infectious, radioactive and general medical waste

Introduction Medical waste is also known as biomedical waste or hospital waste. This type of waste consists of infectious and non-infectious material and it is either solid waste or liquid waste. Medical waste is different from general household waste unless it contains human blood, infected syringes, contaminated gloves, etc. Also check out: Improper Management of […]

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Food Security and Climate Change in Pakistan

Pakistan a food insecure country

Introduction Food Security According to the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security, food security is the accessibility and availability of healthy nutrient-rich food to all people at any time with which they can fulfill their hunger and go through their day-to-day routine. Food security is further described as the availability, access, utilization, and stability of […]

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