LK-99 Potential for Environmental Protection and Restoration

What is LK-99? LK-99 is a so called, potential super conductor at room temperature that has recently been discovered by a team of researchers from South Korea. A material that is called a superconductor is different from a normal conductor (of heat and electricity such as metals) because a material capable of superconductivity has no […]

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10 Eco-Friendly Inventions That Can Help Protect Environment

Introduction: Need for Eco-Friendly Inventions Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the consequential increase in carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants in the atmosphere, the environment has been degrading gradually. However, latest developments in technology have made it possible to offset the negative impacts of these emissions in an attempt to reduce its […]

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Role Of Technology In Environment Protection And Restoration

Introduction: With all the advances in modern science and technology, their role in the protection, monitoring and restoration of the environment and its various aspects is prominent. It is with the use of the modern technology available to us that we are able to predict changes in the weather, measure pollutant concentration in air, form […]

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