Effects of Climate Change on Balochistan Province of Pakistan


Introduction Balochistan province of Pakistan is already facing many environmental issues and on top of everything Climate change is added further pressures on already stressed environmental conditions. Climate change is a huge issue in Pakistan, so kindly read Climate change and its Causes and Effects and for further info regarding effects of Climate change on […]

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Heatwaves Are Killing Off Sea Life In Billions – Destroying The Ecosystem

heatwaves are killing marine organisms.

INTRODUCTION Oceans are an extremely important ecosystem. The existence of marine life is crucial for life sustenance on the Earth. However, if the terrestrial ecosystem is degraded due to human activities how is it possible that the marine ecosystem is safe from it? Anthropogenic activities have caused global warming and climate change. Now we are […]

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Global Heat Wave and Wildfires – Causes, Effects, Solutions

Global Heat waves and wildfires disturbing all kind of lives on the Earth

INTRODUCTION The world is experiencing extreme weather events such as heavy rainfalls, droughts, floods, wildfires, etc. All this is happening due to climate change. WHAT ARE HEAT WAVE? Heat wave and heatwave are exactly the same words. This term is defined as a spell of extreme hot weather conditions that is characterized by excessive humidity […]

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