Environmental Impact of Heavy Metal Pollution in Pakistan

heavy metal pollution in Pakistan is causing groundwater pollution

INTRODUCTION Heavy metals are trace elements that are naturally present in the Earth’s crust. Exposure to heavy metals is lethal depends on the concentration level of these pollutants. These high-density elements are toxic in nature and can lead to cancer in humans. They are persistent and are not degraded or decayed in the environment that […]

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What Are Alternative Fuels? Types, Benefits, and Importance

alternative fuels include biomass, electric batteries, etc

INTRODUCTION Conventional fuels are fossil fuels that are not eco-friendly. We must shift to alternative fuels to save the environment. Advanced and non-conventional fuels are regarded as alternative fuels. ALTERNATIVE FUELS This term is defined as the use of substances or materials as fuels for powering vehicles. These alternative fuels are different from conventional fuels […]

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Biological Warfare and Its Catastrophic Effect on Environment

bio-warfare kill animals, plants and cause air water soil pollution

INTRODUCTION There would be no problem in describing Biological warfare as an atrocious act. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE The use of living microorganisms specifically pathogens to kill humans, plants, and animals is known as biological warfare. The harmful microorganisms are called biological agents. Some insects and plants are used to derive poison. The biological weapons are either […]

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Anthropogenic Factors That Cause Species Decline

INTRODUCTION The planet Earth provides habitats for an enormous diversity of species. The species distribution system on the Earth can be explained in accordance with the ecozones. Each species inhabit a unique biogeographic realm of the Earth. Some species are categorized as terrestrial and some as aquatic. There are specific species that thrive in both […]

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Why Ecocide Should Be Made an International Crime?

Ecocide should be legitimized as international crime

INTRODUCTION Ecocide and genocide are rhyming words. Isn’t it? The difference is genocide is a massive killing of people and considered an international crime while ecocide is massive destruction of the Earth’s ecosystem and it has not evaluated as an international crime yet. Also read: Third Pole Is Melting – Himalaya-HinduKush-Karakoram Glacier ECOCIDE Ecocide is […]

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What is Ecocide? Causes, Effects, and Solutions

destruction of the ecosystem

INTRODUCTION Anthropogenic activities are destroying the environment of the planet Earth. Check out:  Why Ecocide Should Be Made an International Crime? ECOCIDE This term is defined as the degradation and deterioration of the environment by humans to such an extent that its consequences are leading to biodiversity decline and health problems among humans. This concept […]

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Makeup Industry and Its Negative Impacts on the Environment

cosmetic industry is causing air water and land pollution

INTRODUCTION The makeup industry is a huge business that makes billions of dollars annually and the news experts say this business will keep on rising. MAKEUP INDUSTRY The makeup industry is also highlighted as the cosmetic industry. It includes all products related to cosmetics. The makeup industry is defined as an industry that makes cosmetic […]

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