Water Pollution in Pakistan: Water pollution in Pakistan is one of the most pressing concerns and issues the country has faced since the beginning. We have no laws regulating our waters and regarding water pollution. There is a Canal and Drainage Act 1873 and the fact that it dates back to the colonial period in […]
What is Pesticide Pollution? Causes, Effects and Solutions
What are Pesticides and what exactly is meant by Pesticide Pollution? Pesticides are basically chemicals used on crops and for other agricultural purposes in order to prevent pests and rodents from attacking or damaging the crops and various agricultural produce. There are many types of pesticides classified for different types of organisms and plants such […]
What is Transboundary Pollution?- Causes, Effects, Solutions
What is meant by Transboundary Pollution? Transboundary pollution in simple terms can be defined as the kind of pollution that transcends the boundaries of nations and countries set geographically or politically. This basically means that any pollution rising or being emitted from industries in one country can cross over into the air space of another […]
What is Soil Retrogression? – Causes, Effects and Solutions
What is meant by Soil Retrogression? Soil retrogression in simple terms is related to the slow degradation of soil in which the soil reverts back to its original state after going through various cycles and stages of succession. Succession – a phenomenon in which bare soil or hard rocky earth is colonized by a pioneer […]
What is Urban Sprawl? – Causes, Effects and Solutions
What is Urban Sprawl? A characteristic of urbanization but often used interchangeably- urban sprawl. However, there is a certain distinction between the two. Urban Sprawl refers to the lowly populated areas in otherwise unpopulated regions/area outside an urban city. It is usually a fragmented extension of a larger, densely populated urban city or town- often […]
Climate Change in Pakistan- Its Effects and Solutions
Introduction: Moving past global warming, the world has entered into the era of global boiling (for more info: What exactly is Global Boiling? – Causes, Effects, Solutions). As one of the most vulnerable countries, Pakistan is already facing a myriad of problems due to the changing environment and climatic effects it has on our landscape, […]
How To Make Pakistani Educational Institutes Eco-Friendly?
Introduction: Pakistani Educational Institutes in particular are not very environmentally friendly. This includes higher education institutes like universities especially due to their ceaseless operation and large scale. To mitigate the impact of climate change and do their part as educators of the future generations; universities can adopt many practical ways and responsibilities to set an […]
Is Veganism Actually Terrible For The Environment?
What Is Meant By ‘Veganism’? Veganism is the practice or lifestyle adopted by a group of people who call themselves vegan. Veganism includes not eating any meat products like chicken, beef or mutton. It also includes not eating any animal derived products like milk, eggs, butter and cheese. Veganism vs Vegetarianism – The Difference: Vegetarianism […]
How Space Exploration Is Terrible For Our Environment?
Space Exploration and Environment: The fascination with what lies beyond out atmosphere is as old as the advent of modern civilization. Modern technology and research has enabled humans to develop ways and formulas that has lead to space exploration. However, in the quest to find signs of life beyond our planetary boundaries we disregard what […]
Industrial and Sewage Disposal Impacts Marine Life Pakistan
Introduction: Marine Pollution needs no introduction in this day and age when almost all of us are aware with the knowledge that an island made entirely up of plastic and other debris is floating beneath the very surface of the pacific ocean. It is also known as the great pacific garbage patch. Yet, humans only […]