What is Reforestation? What are the Methods and Importance?

What is Reforestation? Reforestation means replanting or attempting to regrow plants, trees and other flora on the land that was previously cleared to benefit humans for their activities such as cultivation, or for timber for furniture, logging for cabins and other purposes that require some use of wood and land. Now, Reforestation also happens when […]

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Sustainable Forest Management – Methods and Importance

What is meant by Sustainable Forest Management? Sustainable Management of forests means the ability to manage forests in a way that preserves the forest habitat, its resources and the biodiversity within it as well as fulfill the current economic, social and commercial needs of the human population without rendering them useless or unable to be […]

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Impacts of Unplanned Development on Northern Areas of Pakistan


Introduction Whenever we think about tourism with respect to our environment the first concept that comes to our mind is the ecotourism. Ecotourism is a type of tourism that involves efficient use of environment through eco-friendly transport conserving the environment and educating the tourists to help in raising funds for environmental conservation and support to […]

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Top 15 Countries with Worst Environmental Degradation

developing countries are mostly listed among less EPI score

Environmental Degradation It is defined as the degradation of the Earth’s environment through anthropogenic activities. Natural catastrophic events are also responsible for environmental degradation but their contribution is far less than as compared to human activities. The environment of the Earth is degraded by over-exploitation of natural reserves, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity loss, environmental issues such […]

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