Fading Footprints: A Tale of Survival Struggle


Pakistan’s unique wildlife faces significant threats, encompassing population decline, habitat loss, illegal hunting, poaching, and the illicit trade of wild animals. The survival battle of three iconic species that call Pakistan home warrants discussion. Check out: 10 Critically Endangered Animals That Can Go Extinct By 2050 1. SNOW LEOPARD The Snow Leopard, scientifically known as […]

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Pakistan’s Native Vultures – Reasons for Population Decline?

Introduction: In Pakistan, Vultures are also known locally as ‘Giddhs’ are considered to be an omen of bad luck in some South Asian societies and tribes whereas simultaneously, there are communities and tribes across South Asia that also consider them to be sacred. From an ecological perspective, vultures or giddhs are extremely important for our […]

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Animals in Danger of Extinction in Future in Pakistan – List

Introduction: Biodiversity in Pakistan Like many other parts of the world, Pakistan is also endowed with a huge variety of flora and fauna. They range everywhere from the arid deserts of Thar and Cholistan to the cooler northern mountainous regions of Hunza. Many of them are also critically endangered and efforts are needed for their […]

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Endangered and Critically Endangered Animals of Pakistan

Continuing with our list of endangered animals found in Pakistan here is another post highlighting the endangered and critically endangered animals of Pakistan. Pakistan is home to a plethora of different plant and animal species, however many of those plants and animals are endangered or even critically endangered and at a risk of extinction from […]

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