Biggest Agricultural Exporter Countries In The World- List

Agricultural Export and its Importance: Agriculture development was what allowed early humans to shift from a hunter gatherer, nomadic lifestyle to actually settle and cultivate soil to grow food in a place. This eventually lead to further advancements in science, provided templates for modern inventions and eventually lead to the foundations of urban cities. Thus, […]

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Environmental Impact of Intense Agriculture In Netherlands

Introduction: Netherlands is the second largest agricultural producer in the world at second only to the US. The Netherlands is famous for exporting cheese, flowers, tomatoes and even vegetables and beer. In addition, The Netherlands is also the biggest meat exporter in Europe and has around 4 million cows, 13 million pigs and 104 million […]

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6 Food Items That Are Terrible For Our Environment

Food Production and Its Impact On Environment: For every living being around the world, food is essential and life-sustaining. It is unimaginable to think that one can survive long without food. However, many people around the globe are oblivious to the fact that even the food production sector and food industry has its harmful impact […]

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Environmental Impact Of Food -From Production to Consumption

Food and Environment – Their Relation: Food– something no living being can survive without. However, it is often overlooked as how one of the most crucial component of our lives can also be responsible for contributing to the worsening environment and ultimately to climate change. Food requires, growing, processing, transporting, trading and preparing before it […]

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World’s Top 10 Food Producing Agricultural Countries

Introduction: In 2023 when the population has just hit 8 billion, food insecurity and water scarcity has become an even bigger issue with mostly the rural population and minorities suffering from it. Besides the environmental injustice and environmental degradation of our land and soil, growing food is also becoming a challenge due to soil erosion, […]

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Integrated Pest Management -Methods, Benefits, Disadvantages

Introduction: What exactly is meant by ‘Integrated Pest Management’? Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in agriculture is the eco-friendly and sustainable approach of dealing with pests– that are unwanted organisms that harm the crops. Instead of using Pesticides that are harmful to the environment and human health, many farmers may also opt for Integrated Pest Management […]

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Poisonous Pesticides: Harmful Impacts on Humans and Nature

Introduction: What are Pesticides? How many Types of Pesticides are there? Pesticides are the chemicals manufactured and used for the purpose of killing pests- any animal, plant or organism that harms the crops and human health and are unwanted. Pesticides are of 4 types: Fungicides, Insecticides, Herbicides and Rodenticides. There are some others as well […]

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Occupational Health Risks and Hazards Related to Agriculture

Introduction: Risks and Hazards in Agriculture Pakistan has the population of around 235 million as of 2023, and 42% of our population is directly employed or earns their livelihood through agriculture. It is therefore not wrong to say that Farmers and the agriculture sector form the backbone of Pakistan’s economy as well as provide the […]

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