Plant (Flora) Diversity In Pakistan
Pakistan is a country rich in diversity of vegetation. We have a lot of different kinds of plants present in Pakistan, many of them even endemic and who knows how many yet to be discovered. Pakistan has a huge variety of plants due to the vast variety of ecosystems and biomes that are present in Pakistan. Every region of Pakistan has unique and different fauna and flora – everything from broad leaf plants to conifers etc.
Check out: Ecosystem Zones and Climatic Biomes of Pakistan
What Are The 4 Main Types Of Plants?
The kingdom Plantae consists of four major terrestrial plant categories:
- Bryophytes (mosses)
- Pteridophytes (ferns)
- Gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants)
- Angiosperms (flowering plants)
This list will be in parts, one for each of the four types of plants. Today we will be focusing on Angiosperms or Phylum Magnoliophyta, which in simple words are flowering plants.
Local Natural Vegetation and Exotic Plants of Pakistan
Natural Vegetation refers to plants and trees has have not been planted by human beings. They are the plants that grow naturally in an area. But now that science, technology, agriculture and especially commercial trade has grown, not all trees, shrubs and herbs that are now available in Pakistan from Pakistan and we like any other countries have over the years commonly adopted plants that are originally from somewhere else in the world – even if you see them everywhere in Pakistan they are still exotic plants!
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List of Plants Commonly Found In Pakistan
Due to extreme popular demand and lack of similar sources online, today we have decided to bring to you a list of plants that are commonly available in Pakistan, with their scientific as well as local names, and their pictures. This list includes only Angiosperms (Phylum Magnoliophyta), which are flowering plants. These plants can be seen growing everywhere in Pakistan, be them indigenous or endemic or adopted from other places. So check them out and find out more about common plant species found in Pakistan.
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Common Name: Apple Tree
Scientific Name: Malus domestica
Local Name: Saib ka darakht
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Marigold
Scientific Name: Tagetes erecta
Local Name: Gainda
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Pygmy Date Palm
Scientific Name: Phoenix roebelenii
Local Name: Khajoor ka darakht
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Lemon Plant
Scientific Name: Citrus limon
Local Name: Leemo
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
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Common Name: Snake Plant
Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Cylindrical Snake Plant
Scientific Name: Dracaena angolensis
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Desert Rose
Scientific Name: Adenium obesum
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Ghost Plant
Scientific Name: Graptopetalum paraguayense
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Aloe vera
Scientific Name: Aloe vera
Local Name: Aloe vera
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
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Common Name: Shameplant or Touch Me Not Plant
Scientific Name: Mimosa pudica
Local Name: Choee-Moee
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Crown of Thorns
Scientific Name: Euphorbia milii
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Coleus (Purple Variegated)
Scientific Name: Coleus scutellarioides
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Dwarf Jade Plant
Scientific Name: Portulacaria afra
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Grape
Scientific Name: Genus: Vitis, Species: Many
Local Name: Angoor
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Syngonium Pink
Scientific Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Paperflower or Bougainvillea
Scientific Name: Bougainvillea glabra
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Vietnamese Eggplant
Scientific Name: Solanum macrocarpon
Local Name: Peela baingan
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
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Common Name: Boatlily or Dwarf Oyster Plant
Scientific Name: Tradescantia spathacea
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Smoketree Spurge
Scientific Name: Euphorbia cotinifolia
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Song Of India
Scientific Name: Dracaena reflexa
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Dwarf Umbrella Tree (Variegated Leaves)
Scientific Name: Schefflera arboricola
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
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Common Name: Periwinkle
Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Life Plant
Scientific Name: Kalanchoe pinnata (Bryophyllum pinnatum)
Local Name: –
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Night-Blooming Jasmine
Scientific Name: Cestrum nocturnum
Local Name: Raat ki rani
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
Common Name: Rose
Scientific Name: Rosa Indica
Local Name: Gulab
Classification/Phyla: Angiosperms/Magnoliophyta
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Do you have these plants in your home? If yes, then which ones? Tell us in the comments below!
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thank you for the article
Thank you!
Yeah it amazing i found this page very helpful for my study and work ????
Really Wonderful information regarding flowers. Keep it on.
Dear Sir/Madam! More than nice and useful information. I would greatly appreciate to receive list of best plants and flowers fordecorating petrol station as part of land scaping. Best Regards.
Hi Ali, Glad you liked this article. Here are some article which are about plants: