Environmental Science vs Env Engineering – Which is Better?

What Is The Key Difference Between Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering? Environmental Science: It is a multi-disciplinary, science based field in which we study chemistry, biology, lab skills for analysis, geology , meteorology, biodiversity and conservation to name a few. It is basically a theoretical knowledge of the core concepts related to the environment and […]

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How To Make Pakistani Educational Institutes Eco-Friendly?

Introduction: Pakistani Educational Institutes in particular are not very environmentally friendly. This includes higher education institutes like universities especially due to their ceaseless operation and large scale. To mitigate the impact of climate change and do their part as educators of the future generations; universities can adopt many practical ways and responsibilities to set an […]

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Is Veganism Actually Terrible For The Environment?

What Is Meant By ‘Veganism’? Veganism is the practice or lifestyle adopted by a group of people who call themselves vegan. Veganism includes not eating any meat products like chicken, beef or mutton. It also includes not eating any animal derived products like milk, eggs, butter and cheese. Veganism vs Vegetarianism – The Difference: Vegetarianism […]

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How Space Exploration Is Terrible For Our Environment?

Space Exploration and Environment: The fascination with what lies beyond out atmosphere is as old as the advent of modern civilization. Modern technology and research has enabled humans to develop ways and formulas that has lead to space exploration. However, in the quest to find signs of life beyond our planetary boundaries we disregard what […]

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How to Prevent Soil Erosion? Traditional and Modern Methods

What is Soil Erosion? Among the many types of soil degradation, soil erosion is one of the most common one and is often frequently associated with many other environmentally degrading activities like deforestation, clearing of land for cultivation, flooding and excessive water runoff etc. to name a few. In short, soil erosion means that the […]

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What Is Environmental-Consciousness And Why Is It Important?

What is ‘Eco-consciousness’? What does it mean? Environmental consciousness, is also known as eco-consciousness or environmental awareness.It is a term used for activities or steps taken by keeping the environment in mind. Whether it means learning about the environment and various factors affecting it, educating masses and raising awareness. Not only just being mindful, it […]

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What Are Environmental Indicators And Why Are They Important

What is meant by Environmental Indicators? Environmental indicators refers to the quantitative, numerical or statistical value assigned to a phenomenon that takes place in the environment. They are assigned numerical values in order to assess the impact and judge the condition of the environment. They are usually based on Environmental parameters. What are Environmental Parameters? […]

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