Fossil Fuels are Killing Us – According to Latest Harvard Study

fossil fuel such as coal fired plants release killer pollutants

The latest research found that pollution from fossil fuel combustion could be responsible for one-fifth of all deaths during 2018. Asthma, cardiac and pulmonary diseases are caused by long-term exposure to fine particulate matter 2.5. The dangerous level of air pollution due to fossil fuel combustion clearly shows the importance and need for clean renewable […]

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PTI Government’s Environmental Achievements So Far

10 billion tree tsunami project, protected areas initiatives

Introduction The literal translation of the name “Pakistan” is a land in which the pure abound. Pakistan is officially known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is a country located in South Asia. The country has secured 5th rank in the list of most populous countries in the world. Pakistan has a population of […]

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Improper Management of Solid Waste in Pakistan and Its Effects

poor management of solid waste is causing environmental and social effects.

Introduction Solid Waste: Solid waste consists of non-soluble materials, semisolids, or solids. Non-soluble materials are sewage sludge, municipal garbage, mining residues, industrial waste, demolition waste, agricultural waste, gases and liquids in containers, etc. Solid waste being generated in Pakistan ranges from 0.283 to 0.612 kilogram per capita per day. The growing rate of waste production […]

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10 Reason of Why Butterflies are Dying and How We Can Save Them

butterflies are declining in number due ti climate change, habitat loss, pesticides, etc.

Introduction Butterflies including moths are a group of insects from the order Lepidoptera. The adult butterflies are characterized by bright colorful large wings. Moths hide during the day and fly during the night. Butterflies use chemical defense, camouflage, and other defensive adaptations in order to protect themselves from predators. Habitat of Butterflies The diverse variety […]

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Australia and Its Environmental and Climate Crisis

mass species extinction due to climate crisis in Australia

Ten years ago, the Australian report highlighted the actions the Government must take to prevent biodiversity loss. The imperiled species in Australia indicated that nearly 1807 species have been listed as threatened with extinction. Experts have recommended the rigorous implementation of National Environmental Standards. The Government of Australia must act now to protect species from […]

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Increasing Natural Disasters due to Climate Change

climate change is causing increased natural disasters

Introduction Natural Disaster: It is defined as naturally extreme events with adverse impacts occurring due to the natural processes of the Earth. Examples of natural disasters are hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami floods, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, etc. Other than natural processes of the Earth, human activities are also responsible for triggering natural disasters such as storms, wildfires, […]

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