Rawalpindi: Chlorine Resistant Bacteria in Water Filter Plants

water from filtration plants were contaminated with E. coli.

Recent research has reported the presence of chlorine-resistant bacteria in water filter plants based in Rawalpindi. The methodology of the study includes the collection and microbiological analysis of 107 water samples for evaluating the anticipated results. Waterborne diseases are proven fatal and directly transmitted to humans through drinking water consumption. It is recommended that drinking […]

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Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Fish from Karachi Coast

fish species can be used as bio-monitoring of polluted area

  Recent research has reported bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Fish from Karachi Coast and Rivers. Heavy Metals are being utilized in the manufacturing process of various products used at the household and commercial levels. The sources of heavy metals bioaccumulation in fish include domestic waste, industrial effluents, agriculture runoff, etc. Certain fish species along […]

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Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Toxic Chemicals

bioaccumulation of heavy metals/ toxins, in marine organisms

INTRODUCTION Bioaccumulation: It is defined as the progressive accumulation of substances especially pesticides or contaminants/toxins in the organisms. Biomagnification: It is also known as bioamplification. It is defined as a successively high concentration ratio of toxins/contaminants particularly pesticides in the tissues of the sensitive organisms in a food chain. Also read: What Is Environmental Toxicology […]

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15 New Technologies and Innovations for improving our Environment

solar power, biomass energy, bio-plastic are eco-friendly technologies

The ecosystem of the Earth is subjected to environmental degradation since the revolution of industries. The human population is increasing at an alarming rate and stressing the natural reserves. Urban sprawl and industrialization in order to meet the demand of increasing population are contributing to climate change. Our world is facing many environmental problems. Climate […]

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Mangroves and their Destruction – Causes, Effects, and Conservation Techniques

INTRODUCTION Mangroves: Mangroves are dense forests consisting of small trees, shrubs that preferably grow nearby coastal areas specifically in brackish water or saline water. Tropical coastal vegetation is often regarded as mangroves due to similar species of plants. Mangrove forests are usually found in tropical and subtropical regions. MANGROVE BIODIVERSITY Mangrove forests support a variety […]

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15 Easy Ways To Make Your Home Environmental Friendly/Green

solar panels, home thermostat,kitchen compost are among few ways to make your home green

INTRODUCTION If we take some time and look around, we would definitely realize that there is something wrong with our environment, our daily life routines, and our way of thinking green. factors around us that include the smoke arising from vehicles, unpredicted precipitation, increasing allergy reactions, heaps of unattended waste, etc. It is the right […]

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Environmental Laws/Legislation in Pakistan and The Need for New Ones

Pakistan needs new environmental laws/legislation

INTRODUCTION Environmental Law: Environmental law is a vast field that encompasses regulations, directives, policies, principles, and laws that are specifically designed and implemented by international, national, and local authoritative entities. The term is defined as laws that are formulated by humans in order to protect and regulate the environment from environmental degradation caused by human […]

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