INTRODUCTION Human-driven climate changes have played havoc on the residents of the Earth. Almost every month periods of extreme weather events are being observed around the globe. The current situation of the Earth is deliberately asking for strong actions but only formal conferences are held by developed countries. You may like to read How COP26 […]
10 Simple Ways To Go Paperless At Home And In Your Business
INTRODUCTION The generation of paper is one of the processes that cause environmental pollution. The machines that involve in paper production release greenhouse gases into the air causing global warming. Admittedly, air pollution is increasing day by day. Also, water pollution is going side by side and water quality is continuously being deteriorated by the […]
Why Should We Go Paperless And How Will It Impact Our Earth?
INTRODUCTION The present situation of the Earth is calling for attention that the residents of the Earth must act now to save it from further damage. Human activities are responsible for increasing destruction on the Earth. The perpetual harm to the ecosystem of the Earth is bringing disastrous changes to the world including species loss, […]
Lahore Smog is Killing Us -Harmful Impacts of Smog On Humans
INTRODUCTION Smog used to simply refer to a combination of smoke and fog, hence the combination word “smog”, but over the years, thanks to the plethora of chemicals used around the world and the various types of pollutants in the air this simple smog as now turned into something even more sinister: Photochemical Smog. Photochemical […]
Climate Despair – A Scheme By Corporations To Hinder Action?
WHY Top Polluting countries also deny Climate change? Is it too late to save the Earth from extensive damage done by Anthropogenic activities? Climate change is a hoax, True or Not? Does our future lead us to MARS or back to EARTH? Our readers may have come across such questions over the past few years […]
Current Environmental Issues In Pakistan – List With Detail
All of us Pakistanis know that our beloved country is facing and already suffering from a lot of environmental issues and problems with no solution in sight, from all types of pollution to degradation of the environment to anthropogenic activities that destroy the environment to illegal hunting and poaching to improper or illegal extraction of […]
Environmental Journalism Now Crucial And Dangerous Than Ever
INTRODUCTION Journalism is a profession that enlightens ordinary people about current hot topics whether they are related to politics, environment, military, power, war, or anything. The spread of journalism is casting light on two aspects of society, the one that raises the voice for truth and the other that conceals the truth with misinformation. Read: […]
What Is Biochar? – Uses, Advantages and Disadvantages
INTRODUCTION Climate change is severely affecting the conditions of soil all around the globe. The increasing rate of soil erosion due to extreme weather events is not appropriate for lands where crops are cultivated. The overall crop production is likely to be decreased by the climate crisis. Check out: Sustainable Agriculture Practices and their Advantages […]
How COP26 Aims To Tackle Climate Change – Save Environment
INTRODUCTION This year another climate change conference was held as per schedule. Notable leaders of different countries participated with an aim to lessen the ongoing crises of climate change. COVID-19 pandemic did affect the planning of the COP26 meeting and many concerns were raised in order to delay the upcoming main event that aimed to […]
Covid-19 and Climate Change – Exposing Environmental Injustice
INTRODUCTION Years over years scientists and experts are continuously issuing warming about climate change, but the world has seemed blind and deaf to all advice. Consequently, anticipated circumstances with severe consequences are hovering all around the globe. Recorded dominant events that are posing threatening challenges to the inhabitants of the Earth include COVID-19 and CLIMATE […]