INTRODUCTION: Pakistan shares its borders with different countries and has great geographical location with diverse animal species. Pakistan is blessed with incredible biodiversity and is home to amazing animal species. Animals are important component of the ecosystem. Pakistan’s climatic and geographical features are diverse. The northern areas of the country contain mountain regions with greenery […]
Non-Recyclable Multi-Layer Plastic MLP Uses and Alternatives
INTRODUCTION: Multi layered plastics are the plastics that contains at the minimum one layer of plastic as main ingredient along with the one or more layers of other materials like paper, aluminium, copper etc. It has several thin sheets or layers that laminated together and are difficult to separate. For detailed information on plastic pollution, […]
Devastating Impacts Of Monsoon Season 2022 In Karachi
Monsoon season in Karachi has now become a symbol of haphazardness in recent years as the city becomes flooded every now and then and everyday life becomes arduous. Not only this time but also the previous few monsoon seasons were quite destructive for the whole city in terms of both property and economy. Karachi is […]
Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Pakistan- Causes and Effects
Introduction Glaciers in Pakistan’s northern mountain ranges (the Hindu Kush, Himalayas, and the Karakorum) are melting quickly due to rising temperatures, and a total of 3,044 glacial lakes have formed in Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). Of them, 33 glacial lakes have been identified as being vulnerable to dangerous glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF). […]
7 Easy Vegetables To Farm At Home In Pakistan
Home farming is currently trending, people grow vegetables and fruits in home as they are easy and quick to grow. In homes, at different sites you can grow vegetables like garages, gardens, basements and any other empty spaces. Now a day, people are running businesses and earning money from home farming. There are different vegetables […]
Digitalizing Tourism Industry in Pakistan – Trends, Challenges and Recommendations
Today is the era of globalization and there is no doubt about the role of technology in this regard. We are living in 21st century where a single aspect of our lives depends on technology, from minor to major, science takes its role. Everything is shaping and moulding according to technological advancement. It is transforming […]
Monsoon Rains In Pakistan – Advantages and Disadvantages
WHAT IS MONSOON? Monsoon is considered to be a planetary scale phenomenon which involves seasonal reversing winds along with rainfall. The process can be understood by the concept of large scale sea breeze and land breeze formation. As we know that heat capacities of land (soil, rocks, and stones) are less than water, therefore air […]
How To Prevent Hazardous Monsoon Season Flooding in Pakistan
Introduction: The monsoon season continues to cause problems in various regions in Pakistan, generating floods, flash floods, and other severe weather-related catastrophes, as well as increasing humanitarian needs. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), up to 147 fatalities have been recorded throughout the country as of 11 July,2022. More than 1000 dwellings have […]
Karachi Monsoon Urban Flash Flooding – Causes and Impacts
Introduction: A flash flood is induced by a large amount of rain in a short period, usually less than 6 hours. Flash floods are typically defined by violent torrents that burst over river beds, metropolitan streets, or mountain valleys, sweeping everything in their path. Flash floods in urban areas are also known as urban flooding. […]
National Parks in Pakistan – Fauna, Flora and Importance
Introduction: A national park is not the typical park with fences, swings, and gardens. A national park is often a government-owned land reserve. Its principal goal is to preserve and conserve endangered species of flora and animals. There are approximately 6,555 national parks worldwide. There are 21 parks in Pakistan out of a total of […]