What is Biodynamic Farming? – Methods and Advantages

What is Biodynamic Farming? Biodynamic farming is a type of substitute agriculture that utilizes ecological and ethical methods for farming, production of food and gardening techniques. The conventional and traditional methods of agriculture disrupt the quality of the soil with time. The soil quality deteriorates due to grazing, crop production and nutrient deficiency. It helps […]

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Impacts of Unplanned Development on Northern Areas of Pakistan


Introduction Whenever we think about tourism with respect to our environment the first concept that comes to our mind is the ecotourism. Ecotourism is a type of tourism that involves efficient use of environment through eco-friendly transport conserving the environment and educating the tourists to help in raising funds for environmental conservation and support to […]

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20 Harmful And Deadly Toxic and Poisonous Plants in Pakistan

INTRODUCTION: Plants are the important component and basis of the ecosystem. Plants are autotrophic in nature that is they can produce their own food through photosynthesis by the transformation of sunlight. Plants give us oxygen, food, shelter and there are many more applications of plants in different sectors such as healthcare and medicine, food industry, […]

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What Is Environmental Toxicology And What Are Its Branches?


INTRODUCTION: Environmental toxicology is the study of toxic properties of chemicals which can both natural and man made, and their effects on human beings and other species and their impacts on the environment. The environmental toxicology deals with all the chemical, biological and physical hazards on environment and the components of the environment. For example, […]

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Commodified Dead of South Punjab – Foreign Aid Amid Floods


South Punjab, the most deprived region since independence is once again under catastrophic circumstances. Prior, it was  neglected in domains of budget distributions, human developments and infrastructures but now the inhabitants of this region are facing monopolisation, exploitation and irrelevancy even after their deaths. The more the dead count is, the more it generates the […]

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