In a latest video that went viral on social media, a Pakistani Tiktoker Qazi Haseeb who has 1.3 M followers and 17.2 M likes on his videos was seen holding a near- dead unconscious Marmot in what seemed to be the way to Khunjerab Pass (China border), Hunza District Gilgit-Baltistan. This whole area is a […]
Climate Change Is Causing Emergence and Spread Of Diseases
Introduction: How is Climate Change linked to the Emergence and Spread of Disease? As burning of fossil fuels and the emission of huge amounts of CO2 worsens the greenhouse effect; it is expected that the average global temperature will increase by 1-2 °C by 2100. As a result, in the upcoming decades, there will be […]
What is Afforestation? What are its Methods and Importance?
What is Afforestation? Afforestation, simply put is the practice of planting trees in areas where there have never been trees before. Taking a clear land that has never been forested and planting new trees is called Afforestation. Afforestation can also be considered to be a kind of reforestation as new trees are being planted in […]
LK-99 Potential for Environmental Protection and Restoration
What is LK-99? LK-99 is a so called, potential super conductor at room temperature that has recently been discovered by a team of researchers from South Korea. A material that is called a superconductor is different from a normal conductor (of heat and electricity such as metals) because a material capable of superconductivity has no […]
Water Scarcity in Pakistan: Reasons, Solutions and Contributions of the Judiciary for the Cause
On the Road to Parchedness Seventy-six years since independence and Pakistan continues to encounter different predicaments each day. Sometimes in the face of terrorism, sometimes economic crisis, sometimes political instability, however, the emerging water scarcity crisis which Pakistan faces today had never been foreseen. Unfortunately, this catastrophe has the potential of not only casting deleterious […]
What is Reforestation? What are the Methods and Importance?
What is Reforestation? Reforestation means replanting or attempting to regrow plants, trees and other flora on the land that was previously cleared to benefit humans for their activities such as cultivation, or for timber for furniture, logging for cabins and other purposes that require some use of wood and land. Now, Reforestation also happens when […]
Integrated Pest Management -Methods, Benefits, Disadvantages
Introduction: What exactly is meant by ‘Integrated Pest Management’? Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in agriculture is the eco-friendly and sustainable approach of dealing with pests– that are unwanted organisms that harm the crops. Instead of using Pesticides that are harmful to the environment and human health, many farmers may also opt for Integrated Pest Management […]
10 Easy Practical Ways To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly
INTRODUCTION: How and Why should we help our environment individually? As the planet continues to deteriorate due to human activities and exploitation of its resources; it is very important that there be a reform in the global policies and increased calls for actions against climate change. However, even at the individual and community level, the […]
10 Eco-Friendly Inventions That Can Help Protect Environment
Introduction: Need for Eco-Friendly Inventions Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the consequential increase in carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants in the atmosphere, the environment has been degrading gradually. However, latest developments in technology have made it possible to offset the negative impacts of these emissions in an attempt to reduce its […]
Severe Devastating Monsoon Floods in Yarkhoon Valley Chitral
Yarkhoon valley is located in the district Chitral, KPK and is an administrative unit. The valley consists of a total of 39 villages and many small settlements. As the Monsoon season has been ongoing since early July as forecasted by the PMD, it has now reached its peak with various villages suffering from flash floods […]