INTRODUCTION Caves and caverns are more or less similar but beautiful natural places on the Earth. In ancient times, men used to live in caves. So we share a strong connection with caves. Again in previous times, caves were used by caravans during journeys. We have splendid places in the World. Nature attracts a person […]
31 Topics for Environmental Science Assignment Presentation
Hey there stressed and tensed looking student, are you frantically searching for an assignment topic related to the environment? Or maybe trying to find a unique and cool topic for your upcoming environmental science related presentation? Or maybe you need to write a paper about some environmental topic? If you are looking for any of […]
10 Initiatives Governments Need To Take To Control Climate Change and Environmental Degradation
INTRODUCTION Recently climate change is in action and it is showing its worst side in different forms across the countries. There are a number of solutions being presented everywhere around the globe but fewer actions have been actually taken to implement such strategies. The initiatives described below should be taken in no time because we […]
10 Easy Ways To Store And Use Rainwater In Your House
INTRODUCTION Monsoon season is on its way and the major parts of the world are receiving heavy rains. For instance, Southeast Asia is currently facing heavy precipitation that might soon lead to flooding. Also check out Europe Floods 2021 Due to Climate Change – Causes and Effects IMPORTANCE OF RAINWATER Rainwater is important for all […]
What Are Alternative Fuels? Types, Benefits, and Importance
INTRODUCTION Conventional fuels are fossil fuels that are not eco-friendly. We must shift to alternative fuels to save the environment. Advanced and non-conventional fuels are regarded as alternative fuels. ALTERNATIVE FUELS This term is defined as the use of substances or materials as fuels for powering vehicles. These alternative fuels are different from conventional fuels […]
Anthropogenic Factors That Cause Species Decline
INTRODUCTION The planet Earth provides habitats for an enormous diversity of species. The species distribution system on the Earth can be explained in accordance with the ecozones. Each species inhabit a unique biogeographic realm of the Earth. Some species are categorized as terrestrial and some as aquatic. There are specific species that thrive in both […]
10 Plants That You Can Grow In Water At Home
Home gardening is not difficult anymore. There is a wide variety of plants that you can grow at home either in water or soil base. Here in this article, 10 water plants are mentioned that can easily be grown at home/indoors. The depleting resources of the Earth are a triggering cause for finding sustainable solutions […]
15 Amazing Quote Wallpaper Pictures about Trees and Forests
Trees and forests are the lungs of our Earth, but unfortunately we humans are destroying our own world’s lungs by deforestation. We cut more trees than we plant them, and due to this fast paced deforestation, our world is already facing a lot of issues like global warming and air pollution etc. The importance of […]
Natural Disasters Common In Pakistan and their Impact
INTRODUCTION Pakistan has a history of natural disasters. The country is prone to earthquakes and floods very often. Climate change is affecting the environment of Pakistan and bringing extreme weather events. NATURAL DISASTER IN PAKISTAN It is a natural but catastrophic event that results in human and livelihood losses. There is a number of natural […]
International and National Environmental Organizations in Pakistan
INTRODUCTION Pakistan is an environmentally conscious country. The government of Pakistan has initiated several projects in order to tackle the impacts of climate change. The projects include the billion tree tsunami project, miyawaki urban forests, protected area management, bamboo production, etc. Pakistan has listed among the top 10 countries most affected by climate change. Climate […]