Introduction: Need for Eco-Friendly Inventions Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the consequential increase in carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants in the atmosphere, the environment has been degrading gradually. However, latest developments in technology have made it possible to offset the negative impacts of these emissions in an attempt to reduce its […]
Animals in Danger of Extinction in Future in Pakistan – List
Introduction: Biodiversity in Pakistan Like many other parts of the world, Pakistan is also endowed with a huge variety of flora and fauna. They range everywhere from the arid deserts of Thar and Cholistan to the cooler northern mountainous regions of Hunza. Many of them are also critically endangered and efforts are needed for their […]
Evergreen Plants In Pakistan- Names, Scientific Names, Pics
Evergreen Plants: Evergreen plants can be defined as those plants that never lose their leaves and remain “evergreen” throughout the year and seasons. Although most of the plants are coniferous– which are plants characterized by needle-like or scaly leaves. However, not all evergreen plants are coniferous and some may even be deciduous. In essence, the […]
List of Environmental Hazards and Challenges In Pakistan
What Is Meant By Environmental Hazard? Environmental Hazards may be defined as all the various types of events or activities taking place that can potentially bring great harm to humans and the environment they are living in. This also includes the negative impacts on the many ecosystems, flora and fauna as well as other natural […]
Top 10 Positive Environmental Stories From Last Year (2022)
Best Environmental News From 2022: When we talk about the climate or the environment, it is usually about how something is an issue and what the next new problem is going to be. More often than not unfortunately, we are talking about the current issues and crises various regions and communities are facing across the […]
Earth Day 2023 – Pictures, Wishes, Greetings, Quotes Pics
Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22nd April. The theme for Earth Day 2023 is “Invest on our planet.” Investing on our planet is very important and has become more crucial than ever as the world is now experiencing terrible environmental degradation due to various forms of pollution as well as effects of climate […]
What Is Ecological Hierarchy And What Are Its levels?
What is meant by the term “Ecological Hierarchy”? Ecological Hierarchy can be simply understood as a natural system that ranks different organisms and living beings in the environment into groups based on their interactions with each other and the environment. It also depends of the role the organism plays in the ecosystem. Simply, it is […]
10 Major Environmental Disasters In The World
Environmental Disasters – What is meant by it? Environmental Disaster classifies anything that is due to the human activity that results in a great harm to the environment whose effects can be felt long after it has happened. These environmental disasters are usually accidental and are generally of the catastrophic scale. They differ from natural […]
30 Beautiful Birds Of Pakistan Pictures – Bird Biodiversity
Bird Biodiversity In Pakistan When it comes to biodiversity, it won’t be wrong tosay that Pakistan is a very diverse country – thanks to all the various types of Ecosystems and Biomes that Pakistan has to offer to its plants, animals and birds. Pakistan boasts a huge variety of birds, both that are native or […]
What Are Common Indoor Air Pollutants? – Types And Sources
What is meant by ‘Indoor Air Pollutants”? Air pollutants are basically those substances that can affect the quality of the indoor air in a negative manner. This includes the air inside houses, closed spaces like residential apartments, commercial and administrative buildings, offices etc. Indoor air pollutants are harmful for the human health. For more information, […]