Forgotten 2022 Pakistan Flood Affectees And Their Future


Pakistan Monsoon Floods 2022 The monsoon of August 2022 in Pakistan was recorded as the highest ever in the region’s 30 year rainfall pattern. As a result the flooding caused by the monsoon weather in Pakistan proved to be the deadliest natural disaster to ever hit the region. The flood waters submerged all 4 provinces […]

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Pakistan’s Living Indus Initiative And Its Importance


If Indus were to speak, it would say, ‘I want to live again.’ – Sherry Rehman, Federal minister for climate change. Living Indus is an umbrella initiative consisting of various existing and new projects to address the triple planetary crisis, including Climate change, Biodiversity, and Pollution. It aims at climate-resilient reconstruction, in and around River […]

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Blueprint of an Eco-city – How To Create Sustainable Cities?

‘Eco-city’ is an umbrella term that covers various notions of, and approaches to, sustainable urbanism, rather than a conceptually coherent and practically uniform phenomenon––sister terms include ‘climate-neutral city’, ‘low-carbon city’, ‘smart city’, ‘sustainable city’, ‘transition towns’, among others..” (Joss 2012:5) Eco-city is a new buzzword in Environmentalism. It is an over-arching term which covers anything […]

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From Winters to Summers: Investigating the Loss of Spring Season in Lahore


Pakistan is one of the countries that is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The country has already experienced changes in weather patterns, including hotter summers, longer heat waves, and shorter spring seasons. Lahore, the second-largest city in Pakistan, is a prime example of a city where the spring season has been lost […]

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Plastic Crisis: An Emerging Threat to Mountain Ecosystem

Not just in Pakistan, but everywhere in the world, plastic pollution has grown to be a terrible issue. The increased usage of plastic has exacerbated existing environmental issues and has a catastrophic impact on both marine and terrestrial species. Due to its widespread production and distinctive qualities, plastic’s use significantly rose after 1965, becoming a […]

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COP27: Introduction to Key Topics, Events and Its Importance

Sharm el Sheikh Conference on Climate Change: A Unique opportunity for the World to Take Together Action and Mitigatory Implementation on Climate Change Introduction Every year the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has held several conferences to resolve the global climate change issue and the COP27,that was happened in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt […]

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By: Dr. Khalid Farooq Akbar and Syeda Khola Tazeen Corresponding Author: Nature is the art of God. – Dante Introduction The ever-growing tsunami of human development including infrastructure expansion, urbanization, deforestation and industrialization has changed natural landscapes and is ravaging pristine wild areas. With advances in engineering and technology, there is no place left on […]

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Third Pole Is Melting – Himalaya-HinduKush-Karakoram Glacier

Introduction Pakistan ranks among the most vulnerable and climate change-affected country. According to Worldometer, its fossil fuels’ global emissions are less than 1 %. China is emitting 29.18% and ranked among the top emitters. Pakistan shares a border with China. Unfortunately, these pollutants don’t know any border. The Sino-Pak border is provided with a natural […]

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Commodified Dead of South Punjab – Foreign Aid Amid Floods


South Punjab, the most deprived region since independence is once again under catastrophic circumstances. Prior, it was  neglected in domains of budget distributions, human developments and infrastructures but now the inhabitants of this region are facing monopolisation, exploitation and irrelevancy even after their deaths. The more the dead count is, the more it generates the […]

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