Climate Change Adaptation Methods and Mitigation Strategies

climate change

INTRODUCTION Climate change is showing its adverse impacts on the ecosystem of the Earth. Human-induced climate change is on its way to disable the functioning ecosystem. The current adverse impacts caused by climate change cannot be controlled but only preventive measures can be taken. Also check out: How Much Time Earth Has Before Climate Change Destroys […]

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Sustainable Agriculture Practices and their Advantages

drip irrigation saves water

INTRODUCTION Sustainable Agriculture: It is defined as sustainable farming or agricultural practices in sustainable ways. It includes sustainable agriculture practices that meet the food and textile demands of the current society without compromising the capability of the upcoming generation to meet their demands in the future. Sustainable agriculture is based on the services of the […]

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10 Easy and Practical Ways to Help Save the Environment

Environment is everything that surrounds us and everything that surrounds us is unfortunately very polluted nowadays, thanks to us humans and our activities. However, not all of us want to contribute the insane amounts of pollution into our surroundings and some of us want to become environmentally conscious and responsible citizens of this world as […]

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How Can We Make Our Cities Sustainable (An Eco-City)?

sustainable cities will have less environmental consequences.

INTRODUCTION Sustainability: In today’s era, it is defined as the capability of human civilization and Earth’s biosphere to occur together. It is also described as the capability of fulfilling the demands of the current time without constraining the capability of the upcoming generation to meet their demand in the future. Three Pillars of Sustainability: Sustainability […]

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