Littoral and Swamp Forest Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

mangrove forest of Pakistan

INTRODUCTION Littoral Forest: It is known as mangrove forest or tidal forest. This forest grows along marshy coasts and delta regions. Swamp Forest: This forest grows along the intertidal coastline and submerged with seawater. This forest is common near tropical zone. Another name is flooded forest. Littoral and Swamp Forest Ecosystem: This forest ecosystem is […]

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Coniferous (Taiga or Boreal) Forest of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

higher altitudes support boreal forest

INTRODUCTION Coniferous (Taiga or Boreal) Forest: It is defined as evergreen scale-leaved, cone-bearing, needle-leaved trees. It is present in locations where winters are longer. It receives precipitation in the form of snow. Coniferous (Taiga or Boreal) Forest Biome: Boreal biome usually consists of coniferous forests that include spruce, pine, and larches. Characteristics of Coniferous (Taiga […]

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Grassland and Shrubland Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

himalayan hindu kush regions have pastorals community.

INTRODUCTION Grasslands: It is defined as open lands that are continuously covered with broadleaf herbs, little woody vegetation, sedges, and grasses. Taller and woody vegetation is absent. Shrublands: It is defined as areas that are covered with dense but low height shrub vegetation like sedges, willow, dogwood, or tall grasses. Grassland and Shrubland Biome: This […]

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Freshwater Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

freshwater biome is important for human survival.

INTRODUCTION Freshwater Biome: It is defined as freshwater regions having water bodies with minimum salt concentration. It is different from the marine biome as freshwater is free of salt. The presence of salt concentration pollutes the freshwater biome. Read: Pakistani Local Fishes and their Health Benefits Characteristics of Freshwater Biome: It is characterized by two […]

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Temperate Deciduous / Mixed forests of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

watershed to Tarbela and Mangla lakes

INTRODUCTION Temperate Deciduous / Mixed Forest: It is a biome that consists of deciduous tree species. These are broad-leaf forests with trees that drop their leaves in the autumn. Mixed Forest: It is a vegetation transition between dominant tree species of broad-leaved deciduous forest and coniferous forest. Temperate Deciduous and Mixed Forest Biome: It is […]

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South Asia Water War – Impact of Indian Hegemonic Aim on Pakistan

indus water treaty water war between india and Pakistan

INTRODUCTION Pakistan has numerous natural resources, water reserves are also among these natural resources. However, the climate changes, increasing water pollution, industrialization, and transboundary pollution, etc all are putting stress on natural water reserves in Pakistan. The country doesn’t have enough water storage capacity to meet the demand for water consumption of 30 days. For […]

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Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Toxic Chemicals

bioaccumulation of heavy metals/ toxins, in marine organisms

INTRODUCTION Bioaccumulation: It is defined as the progressive accumulation of substances especially pesticides or contaminants/toxins in the organisms. Biomagnification: It is also known as bioamplification. It is defined as a successively high concentration ratio of toxins/contaminants particularly pesticides in the tissues of the sensitive organisms in a food chain. Also read: What Is Environmental Toxicology […]

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