Biomethane from MSW– A Case Study of Karachi Pakistan

anaerobic biodestion for waste to energy power generation

Published research reported a case study of Karachi related to the assessment of biomethane generation from municipal solid waste. Anaerobic biodigestion was carried out on fresh synthetic waste material. The study suggested the installation of biowaste digestion plants and reported the 21 % estimated reduction in an energy supply shortage. There would be no release […]

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Urbanization affects Microclimate of Abbottabad Pakistan

urbanization affecting environment of pakistan

Published Research outlined the effects of Urbanization on the Microclimate of Abbottabad Pakistan. Factors that contribute to environmental degradation were taken into consideration. The methodology of research employed techniques related to geographic information systems and remote sensing. Urbanization is causing degradation of the environment by increasing land surface temperature, depleting water sources, and decreasing vegetation. […]

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50 New Forests in Lahore after Miyawaki Urban Forest

clean green pakistan including miyawaki urban forest project

Usman Buzdar Chief Minister of Punjab announced 50 new forests in Lahore Pakistan Miyawaki Urban Forest was initiated by the Government of Pakistan in January. Miyawaki Forest – a Japanese technique based method- releases more oxygen and grows faster. The Government of Pakistan is planning to implement this pilot project across Punjab.   Usman Buzdar, […]

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Production of Bioplastic By Using Biodegradable Sources

bioplastic derived from biodegradable sources

Published research highlighted the production of starch-based bioplastic by making use of biodegradable sources. Two plasticizers -Glycerol and Sorbitol- were used in the production process of biosample. The physical and chemical properties of produced bioplastic were analyzed using different methodologies. The use of biodegradable material has made bioplastic a favorable alternative to conventional plastics. For […]

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Assessing Indoors Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Lahore

ac a source of pcbs

Published research reported assessment of indoor dust particles containing Polychlorinated biphenyls in Lahore, Pakistan. High concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyl were outlined in areas such as grid stations, locomotive workshops, and unlawful litter burning sites. Toddlers found to be more vulnerable to health complications caused by Polychlorinated Biphenyl than adults. Introduction Polychlorinated biphenyls abbreviated as PCBs […]

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Consequences of Climate Change on Pastoralists in Pakistan

pastoralist community suffering climatic conditions

Published research reported consequences of climate change on sustainability and resiliency of pastoralists in Punjab, Pakistan. The community of Pastoralists and their livestock is highly vulnerable to changing climatic conditions. The study method was based on the principal component analysis in order to find out the factors targeting the community of pastoralists. Introduction Pastoralists are […]

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Pakistan Proceeds Towards Bamboo Production by Joining INBAR

increased bamboo production in Pakistan as a full member of INBAR

Pakistan is going to become a full member of INBAR to increase bamboo production International Network on Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) is an international organization Almost every country of SAARC is a member of INBAR excluding Afghanistan and Pakistan Also read: Need for Trees in Karachi – Importance and Benefits Of Trees The government of […]

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Pakistan Amongst Most Affected Countries By Climate Change

climate changes in Pakistan

Pakistan is securing its rank at number 8 in the list of countries highly affected by severe climatic changes. According to German Watch Report, Pakistan makes a shift from number 5 rank to number 8 by initiating environmental-friendly projects. The government of Pakistan is continuously doing efforts to tackle the impacts of global warming. Pakistan […]

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Floating photovoltaic technology – An answer to Pakistan’s electricity crisis?

floating photovoltaic vs land based photovoltaic technology

Published research indicates the possible implementation of floating photovoltaic technology in Pakistan. Pakistan is in immense need of floating photovoltaic technology to overcome the energy crisis. The climatic conditions of Pakistan are already in favor of the floating photovoltaic technology system. Introduction The economic development of any country is dependent on an uninterrupted power supply. […]

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First-Ever Forest Monitoring System launched by Pakistan

satellite forest monitoring system

Pakistan did a great effort by launching the first-ever satellite-based forest monitoring system. Forest Monitoring System will be used to monitor tree loss, land deterioration, and habitat fragmentation The Forest monitoring system is a part of the 10 billion tree tsunami project that will assist in tackling climatic conditions. Unlike other countries, Pakistan is facing […]

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