Pakistan Monsoon Floods 2022 The monsoon of August 2022 in Pakistan was recorded as the highest ever in the region’s 30 year rainfall pattern. As a result the flooding caused by the monsoon weather in Pakistan proved to be the deadliest natural disaster to ever hit the region. The flood waters submerged all 4 provinces […]
Upcoming Crop Residue Burning and Smog Season in Pakistan
Pre-Monsoon Crop Residue Burning in Pakistan – What is Crop Residue? Crop residue, also known as stubble burning is the burning of crop remains on the field or agricultural land in order to clear land for the next crop. Burning of crop residue is done in this manner not only because it is efficient, convenient […]
Earth Hour 2023: All You Need To Know – Date And Theme
What is meant by ‘Earth Hour’? When is it being observed in 2023? Earth Hour is an initiative started by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) since the year 2007. Earth Hour is a world wide movement that devotes an hour for our planet Earth and is observed every year on the last Saturday of March. 2023 […]
Train Derailment Toxic Spill Ohio USA – All You Need To Know
Introduction: What Happened in Ohio, USA? On the night of 3rd February 2023, in the United States of America, a freight train carrying hazardous chemicals, derailed near the town of East Palestine, Ohio. Out of 150 train cars 38 cars derailed which effected another 12. The derailment of the cars caused majority to explode releasing […]
Expected Heatwaves in Summer Months 2023 in Pakistan
Climate Change and Heatwaves in Pakistan: The impacts of climate change on developing countries have been felt severely in the form of increased extreme weather events and abnormal climatic phenomenon. Pakistan is also one of the countries experiencing its impacts most recently in the form of floods and GLOFs. For more information check out, Pakistan […]
Fast Fashion and Its Impacts On The Environment
What is Fast Fashion? Why is it a Problem? Fast fashion is the term used to describe those articles of clothing, fabric or goods that are mass produced and appeal to the audience because of their affordability and trendiness. Fast fashion brands typically have new styles and designs every few weeks because of the fast […]
What is Carbon Sequestration? – Techniques and Importance
What is meant by Carbon Sequestration? Carbon sequestration is the process of storing carbon found in the atmosphere in gaseous form (carbon dioxide) by various means and methods in order to reduce its harmful effects of global warming and greenhouse effect on the earth. You may like: Global Warming- Causes, Effects and Solutions 45% of the […]
Environmental Impacts of E-cigarettes and Vapes
● What are E-cigarettes? What are Vapes? What are they made of? • E-cigarettes: electronic cigarettes are the alternative to normal cigarettes. They are composed of a liquid consisting of the following components- nicotine, flavoring chemicals, VOCs, formaldehyde and other additives. Instead of fire, a battery is used to heat up the liquid and an […]
What Is Green Colonialism? – Everything You Need To Know
What is Green Colonialism? Green Colonialism, also known as Eco-colonialism, Environmental Colonialism or Climate Colonialism is the practice of one country making or taking decisions and actions in another, under the pretext of benefit to the environment and by using influence to make policies and developmental strategies or technology that benefits one country/ group of people […]
What Is Light Pollution? – Sources, Effects and Solutions
What exactly is meant by ‘Light Pollution’? Light Pollution is the pollution caused by an excess of light in urban areas that are densely populated and use artificial lights at night time to brighten those areas. This excess of light is a surplus of energy that is being wasted and can harm the environment in […]