Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources of Pakistan

Introduction: Climate Change and Water Resources – Why has water become so scarce in Pakistan and the reason behind it Although water scarcity is a global issue, this is particularly an alarming concern in countries where population growth is rapidly increasing. Pakistan is also a highly water stressed country because of this reason. Karachi in […]

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What is Rhizoremediation?- Methods, Benefits and Drawbacks

What is meant by Rhizoremediation? How does it work? In soils that have become contaminated by harmful pollutants that decrease soil fertility and permeability, there is a phenomenon called ‘Rhizoremediation‘ that takes place. Rhizoremediation is basically the process used to degrade these pollutants and organic compounds present in the soil rhizosphere. Rhizosphere is the area […]

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How to Reduce Disastrous Impacts of Floods? – Mitigation Methods

Introduction: Climate Change and Increased bouts of Extreme Weather Events Climate Change has lead to an alarming increase in extreme weather events like tornadoes, cyclones, floods, GLOFs and cloudbursts to name a few. Extreme Weather Events are the result of atmospheric conditions on the extreme side of the weather. Although these cases of extreme weather […]

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AI And Its Role In Environmental Protection And Restoration

What is meant by ” AI”? AI- short for Artificial Intelligence is the system or machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. They are different from robots that can be pre-programmed to perform a certain task/s. This is because AI can overtime learn to improve itself by processing the information it has […]

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