Integrated Pest Management -Methods, Benefits, Disadvantages

Introduction: What exactly is meant by ‘Integrated Pest Management’? Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in agriculture is the eco-friendly and sustainable approach of dealing with pests– that are unwanted organisms that harm the crops. Instead of using Pesticides that are harmful to the environment and human health, many farmers may also opt for Integrated Pest Management […]

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10 Easy Practical Ways To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

INTRODUCTION: How and Why should we help our environment individually? As the planet continues to deteriorate due to human activities and exploitation of its resources; it is very important that there be a reform in the global policies and increased calls for actions against climate change. However, even at the individual and community level, the […]

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10 Eco-Friendly Inventions That Can Help Protect Environment

Introduction: Need for Eco-Friendly Inventions Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the consequential increase in carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants in the atmosphere, the environment has been degrading gradually. However, latest developments in technology have made it possible to offset the negative impacts of these emissions in an attempt to reduce its […]

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Animals in Danger of Extinction in Future in Pakistan – List

Introduction: Biodiversity in Pakistan Like many other parts of the world, Pakistan is also endowed with a huge variety of flora and fauna. They range everywhere from the arid deserts of Thar and Cholistan to the cooler northern mountainous regions of Hunza. Many of them are also critically endangered and efforts are needed for their […]

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Poisonous Pesticides: Harmful Impacts on Humans and Nature

Introduction: What are Pesticides? How many Types of Pesticides are there? Pesticides are the chemicals manufactured and used for the purpose of killing pests- any animal, plant or organism that harms the crops and human health and are unwanted. Pesticides are of 4 types: Fungicides, Insecticides, Herbicides and Rodenticides. There are some others as well […]

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Lack of Climate Change Research in Pakistan – Need and Importance

Introduction: Climate Change Research and Pakistan Although Pakistan emits less than 1 percent of the global emissions of green house gases but has suffered immensely due to climate change. Even future projections tell us of increasingly dire consequences for Pakistan. It is not fair that Pakistan has to bear the brunt of climate change and […]

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Occupational Health Risks and Hazards Related to Agriculture

Introduction: Risks and Hazards in Agriculture Pakistan has the population of around 235 million as of 2023, and 42% of our population is directly employed or earns their livelihood through agriculture. It is therefore not wrong to say that Farmers and the agriculture sector form the backbone of Pakistan’s economy as well as provide the […]

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