Why Do We Need A Healthy Environment To Live?

Why Should We Create a Healthy Environment?

A healthy environment means clean air, water, soil and that ultimately means clean and healthy lifestyles for humans and all other creatures dependent on it. Creating a healthy environment is essential to the health of the public and general ecosystems. Because each and everything can impact from the smallest of scales to the largest food chains at the top of which sit us, humans.

Importance Of a Healthy Environment:

  • A healthy environment is good for reducing illnesses and diseases among the public due to adverse environmental conditions and events.
  • The entire food web and life sustaining system depends on a healthy environment and it also includes the well-being of all species.
  • The quality of all the life sustaining necessities like: food, air and water depends on the quality of the environment.
    A bad environment with unclean, polluted air, toxic or polluted waters and food grown in contaminated soils etc. with excess use of chemicals impacts people with illnesses, health issues and other long term surfacing and resurfacing problems. Whereas, a clean air, water and good quality of food is a means of providing a healthy lifestyle and no health issues.

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Ways to Create a Healthy Environment:

A healthy environment can be created by a collective effort of individuals as change starts from our doorsteps. These efforts result in less air, water and ;and pollution. Some of the ways we can help in the creation of a healthy environment include:

  1. Making our own home-based fertilizers for our gardens and yards instead of buying chemical fertilizers.
  2. Avoiding peat-based composts.
  3. Taking the initiative of avoiding single-use plastics in homes and eliminating it from our lifestyles by not using them outdoors such as at fastfood restaurants and cafe’s.
  4. Using bamboo or metal utensils and carrying them with you to restaurants or cafe’s that do not have a plastic-free option. Every straw, plastic cup and utensil that does not end up as waste makes a difference on a planet of 8 billion people.
  5. Reduce, reuse, recycle and upcycle.
  6. Sustainable consumption is the key. Take from resources and nature according to what you need. Nothing more and nothing less. This will prevent excessive waste.
  7. Opt for Public transport to reduce carbon footprint caused by private transportation whenever possible.
  8. In your gardens and yards, plant pollinator-friendly trees and plants to create more microhabitats and resting places for bees and other endangered species due to pollution and general eradication of wildlife and rapid urbanization.
  9. Shop local. Try to consume only seasonal fruits and vegetables as out of season products and food produce have a higher carbon footprint due to transportation, packaging and distribution costs.
  10. Grow rooftop gardens and grow your own vegetables and fruits. Not only does this produce organic food for you that is chemical free but it also offers a cooling effect for the building to all the floors beneath it.
  11. Try to switch to electric stoves instead of wood fueled or fossil fuels like natural gas, oil etc.


In a country that is still developing like Pakistan, it is considerably difficult for individual members to take action at an individual scale since majority of the population is steeped in extreme poverty in severely less than ideal living conditions. Hence, their first and foremost need is not how the environment can be cared for, in fact that is not even in the top ten of their list of priorities. This is simply due to the fact that they seek means of achieving food security and acquiring basic necessities for a moderate life. Hence, it is up to the more privileged people to cut down on their luxuries and the governments to ask the developed nations to step up and provide the necessary help for improving the environment of the developing countries.

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