Environmental Science CSS, PMS, PCS Course Notes By Topic

Environmental Science Course notes CSS, PMS, PCS, GAT

When you are studying for CSS or PMS or PCS or even GAT subject (Environmental Science) or any other competitive exam then you usually don’t have enough time to prepare notes from scratch, so it is logical that people turn to the Internet to find comprehensive yet to the point notes that they can use to prepare for their exams.

The course outline provided by FPSC for CSS exams, or that provided for PMS/PCS or even GAT subjects test is usually pretty much the same. Thus, we are going to share a list of some topic by topic notes that you can use to prepare for your CSS or any other exam so that you can pass them with good score. So check them out (click on the topic) and let us know if you want notes of any other specific topic and we’ll try our best to provide them to you. Here we go..

If you wish to take online sessions for Environmental Science subject from a highly qualified (Gold-Medalist) PhD Scholar instructor, then let us know in the comments below!


Brief History of Environmental Movement and Environmentalism

What Is Environmental-Consciousness And Why Is It Important?


Environmental Sustainability

COVID-19 Crisis Impacting Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Protection Vs. Economic Development Conflict

Water and Food Security

Water Crisis in Pakistan- Current and Future

The Projected Future of Water Scarcity Crisis In Pakistan

Climate Change Is Increasing Water Scarcity Around The World

Water Scarcity Crisis in Pakistan: Causes, Effects, Solutions

Impact of Growing Water Scarcity on Women -Climate Injustice

Food Security and Climate Change in Pakistan

Top 15 Countries with Highest Percentage of Food Waste

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture Practices and their Advantages

Hydroponics – The Future of Agriculture?

What’s Eco-Architecture? Sustainable Architecture Importance

Environmental Impact Of Food -From Production to Consumption

Biodiversity Loss and Conservation

Biodiversity Loss – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Conservation of Biodiversity – Importance and Methods

Biodiversity Management Methods, Techniques And Importance

What is a Habitat? Types of Habitats and Their Biodiversity

Pollinator Decline of Bees – Causes, Effects and Solutions

Alternative Energy

What Are Renewable Energy Sources? – Types of Green Energy

Renewable Alternative Energy Resources – Advantages and Disadvantages

Why We All Should Move to Clean Renewable Energy

The Rise of Solar Energy in Pakistan

Solar Power in Pakistan – Advantages and Disadvantages

Waste to Energy Plants Can Curb Pakistan’s Electricity Crisis

What is Solar Energy? – Uses, Advantages, Disadvantages

What is Wind Energy? – Uses, Advantages, Disadvantages

What is Nuclear Energy? – Uses, Advantages, Disadvantages

Is Transition To Clean Energy Crucial For Our Survival?

Urbanization and Sustainable Cities

Urbanization – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

How Can We Make Our Cities Sustainable (An Eco-City)?

Blueprint of an Eco-city – How To Create Sustainable Cities?

Population Growth and Poverty

Human Population Growth – Causes and Effects

The Disastrous Link between Poverty and the Environment

Ecological Restoration

How can we “Restore our Earth” – Earth Day 2021 Theme

What Is Coral Gardening And Can It Help Save Coral Reefs?


Branches of Environmental Science – Interdisciplinary Field


Air Pollution

Air Pollution– Sources, Effects, and Control

Sources and Effects of Common Air Pollutants

Equipment Used in Industries to Control Air Pollution

What is Indoor Air Pollution? – Sources, Effects and Control

What Are Common Indoor Air Pollutants? – Types And Sources

Methods to Measure, Maintain and Control Indoor Air Quality

Water Pollution

Water pollution– Sources, Effects, and Control

Sources and Effects of Common Water Pollutants

The Three Stages of Waste Water Treatment

Oil Spills – Causes, Effects and Solution

Soil/Land Pollution

Land/Soil pollution – Causes, Effects, and Control

Mining Pollution – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Types of Bioremediation and Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Overgrazing – Causes, Effects and Solutions

Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution – Sources, Effects, and Control

The Problems of Increasing Noise Pollution in Pakistan

Solid Waste

Solid waste – Types, Sources, and Effects

Solid Waste Management Techniques

E-Waste and Its Impact on the Environment

Medical waste in Pakistan and Its Management

Improper Management of Solid Waste in Pakistan and Its Effects

Nuclear/Radioactive Waste

Nuclear Waste Production and Management in Pakistan

Disastrous Environmental Impacts of Radioactive Waste

Water Logging and Salinity

Waterlogging – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Salinity – Types, Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Waterlogging and Salinity in Pakistan

Environmental Problems

15 Environmental Problems Our World is Facing Right now

Introduction of Invasive Species – Causes, Effects and Solutions

Pollinator Decline of Bees – Causes, Effects and Solutions

The Impacts of Microplastic Pollution on the Environment

Bushfires and Their Dangerous Impacts on the Environment

Deforestation – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Desertification – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Eutrophication – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Global Warming – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Ozone Depletion – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Acid Rain – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Toxic Chemicals

Environmental Impacts of Growing Tourism Industry of Pakistan

Impacts of Transboundary Pollution on Pakistan

Impacts Of Changing Monsoon Season Rains Pattern In Pakistan

Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) -Causes, Impact, Solution

What Are Pakistan’s Biggest Environmental Challenges?


Climatic Zones

Ecosystem Zones and Climatic Biomes of Pakistan

Coral Reef Destruction – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Marine and Coastal Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Freshwater Wetland Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Freshwater Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Mangroves and their Destruction – Causes, Effects, and Conservation Techniques

Temperate Deciduous / Mixed forests of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Grassland and Shrubland Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Coniferous (Taiga or Boreal) Forest of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Littoral and Swamp Forest Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Tropical Thorn Forest Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Tundra and Alpine Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Desert Ecosystem of Pakistan – Climatic Biome

Climate Change- Causes, Effects, Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate change and its Causes and Effects

Increasing Natural Disasters due to Climate Change

Is Climate Change the Reason Behind Worsening Allergy Season?

Climate Change Adaptation Methods and Mitigation Strategies

What is Carbon Sequestration? – Techniques and Importance

Effects of Climate Change on Monsoon Season of Pakistan

Climate Change and Pakistan

Climate Change and Its Impact on Pakistan

Climate Change in Pakistan- Its Effects and Solutions

Climate Change and Pakistan Arising as A Global Leader

Consequences of Climate Change on Pastoralists in Pakistan

Climate Change and Himalayan Glacier Hazard

The Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture in Pakistan

 Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Pakistan- Causes and Effects


Environmental Laws/Legislation in Pakistan and The Need for New Ones

Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (review of IEE and EIA) Regulations (2000)


International Environmental Agreements Signed by Pakistan

Environment Discrimination and the Importance of Environmental Justice



Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (review of IEE and EIA) Regulations (2000)


Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in Pakistan


Occupational Health and Safety – Hazards and Protection.

Occupational Health and Safety Conditions in Pakistan

Pollution Control / Waste Management

[Articles mentioned above in “Environmental Pollution”]

GIS and Remote Sensing

GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental Science – Applications and Advantages

Natural Resource Management

South Asia Water War – Impact of Indian Hegemonic Aim on Pakistan

I hope you all liked this post! Please comment below if you have any suggestions, comments, or feedback! We at #envpk love hearing from our readers! Thanks!

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    1. Thank you so much! Please share this website with your friends and family to help us reach more people and like our page on facebook.com/Envpk to get daily updates!

  2. Extremely commendable work. Updated and Precise research and writing. May ALLAH ALMIGHTY bless you for lighting our way.

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